Training Your Pets

 In Pet advice

dog-training-tipHaving trouble training your pets?  I recently added two videos to the Pet Care Videos page of this website.  One focuses on training dogs and the other on training cats (Yes! It is possible–although my own cat has received very little to no training).  Both videos are pretty good training guides that explain the principles of operant conditioning.  Basically, in operant conditioning a desired behavior is brought about through the use of a reward.  The animal learns that performing the desired behavior has a positive result.  For example, the animal receives a treat, which then reinforces that behavior, making it more likely the animal will perform that behavior again.  It’s been a while since I’ve taken a Psych class so I hope I’m getting all this right.

When the desired behavior is a complicated one, such as shaking or playing dead, you have to reward behaviors that approach the target behavior.  This is called shaping–the reinforcement of successive approximations.  Basically you reward the pet as it gets closer and closer to the ultimate behavior you are looking for.

I’m sure I’m doing a dreadful job of explaining this, but it becomes clear when you watch the videos.  Also, you can check out the work of B.F. Skinner, the father of operant conditioning.  Study the works of Skinner and other Behavioral Psychologists and training your pet will be a breeze.  Just remember, rewarding your pet for good behavior is much more effective than punishing your pet for bad behavior.  Also, make sure the reward very quickly follows the desired behavior.  If you wait too long to give the reward, your pet won’t know what he or she is being rewarded for.  Although, I’m sure they’ll still be happy just getting a nice treat.
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One last note.  Behavioral Psychology bears no resemblance to Freudian Psychology or any of the other nonsense that psychoanalysts espouse.  So if you are paying a psychologist who analyzes your dreams and looks for repressed memories, you are throwing your money down the toilet.

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